A world led by the understanding that it and its people are a living unity.
It is imperative for all to stand united in ushering in the Age of Unity and removing the rich elite from power, including those who may not identify as hyperian. The old worlders remain in power by keeping the world divided which is why it is of the utmost importance to come together on common goals, despite possible personal differences. Even in the age of social media, the world is in a state of deep isolation and disconnection. We will transform it into a world of connection. The planet is being torn apart by capitalism and consumerism, but in the Age of Unity, people will be treated as free beings instead of commodities to be bought and sold. You shouldn’t have to work as a slave, barely able to make enough to survive.
We understand that the world yearns for money to be abolished and for people to be self-governing. However, if this were implemented overnight, there would be global chaos. If all institutions were removed and the monetary system dissolved instantly, violence and discord would run rampant. We realize steps must be taken. A transitory system must be established. The seed doesn’t become the flower instantly. It must grow before it blooms.
We will unite the individual, unite the world, and unite the universe.
Our vision for the world is radically different from anything that has been seen before. The world will be completely redesigned where it and its people are treated as a living, evolving mind instead of a machine. All other systems have failed to do this, or they have reached for an unrealistic utopia instantly.
As we transition to a new age, the hoarding of wealth by the rich elite old worlders must be stopped and put toward the growth of a healthy community. Greed and dominance will be replaced by reason and compassion. Everyone must be given enough resources to live a healthy life while also being compensated and rewarded for their achievements and contributions. You’ll no longer have to struggle unnecessarily to put food on the table or fight for housing, healthcare, and education. With all your fundamental needs met, you’ll finally have the freedom to truly live and grow with fulfillment and purpose.
Here are just a few of our goals:
• Equal opportunity afforded to all regardless of sex, gender, age, or race.
• Universal education for all.
• Universal health care for every individual.
• The healthy exploration of desires and fantasies.
• Legalization of psychedelics.
• Guaranteed minimum income and free housing.
• Utilization of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for improving the quality of life rather than war and profit.
• Cultivation of free thought, individuality, and creativity rather than conformity.
• Personal and collective growth through exploration of our world, the mind, art, and education.
Our mission is to empower the individual and the collective. The unity of individuals results in the unity of the world. The unity of worlds results in the unity of the universal whole.
We are led by the three freedoms:
Freedom of thought
Freedom of the individual
Freedom of the whole
It’s time to create a community where people aren’t dragging each other down but instead are building each other up. It will be a society focused on healthy growth, the experience of love, the creation of art, and the cultivation of the mind. Racism will be ended. The patriarchy will be brought down. Women’s liberation will be achieved. The LGBTQ community will be celebrated, and a sexual revolution will occur. We’ll come together as one world and one people.
We have the resources to make all of this happen, but the psychopathic rich elite are greedily hoarding everything for themselves. Once the old worlders and their fracture programs have been stopped, the rebuilding and healing of the planet can finally begin. The end of the age of division comes with the end of the private interest of the few over the public interest for the good of the people. We must halt the gluttonous requisition of hoarded wealth by the old world elites. Once the people’s resources are restored and given fully over to the public for the good of the individual and the whole, we will have laid the cornerstone for the shining new age.