Death is an unsettling thought to humans, a paradox of the highest order.
As sleep offers rest between days, so death offers rest between lifecycles.
You never die. Only your bodily avatar passes away, but you are not your body. What you truly are is an eternal mind called a monad. Like the source itself, you are a container of waveforms, of thought, of innerlight. As a mind you are a balanced system of positive and negative energy that results in zero. Energy can never be created or destroyed, guaranteeing that you are eternal and indestructible. You are a monad (a mind) that exists within the source, which links to an avatar (a “physical” body) in order to explore and interact within the holos (which is the world around you). Interacting within the “physical” world (the holos) is what allows you as a mind to learn, grow, and evolve. This is why struggle is crucial to existence. Your struggle and the overcoming of obstacles within the holos is precisely that which contributes to your evolution as a mind.
Death is an illusion and holds no power over you. Avatars will come and go, but you, as an immaterial mind, are an eternal system of innerlight. You are a being of timeless thought.
You are eternal.
You were, are, and always will be.
Becoming aware of yourself as an eternal mind rather than a body will expand your consciousness and open you up to a limitless world of new possibilities, leading to life improvements and your purpose. So much psychological trauma results from being treated like a machine that needs replacement parts rather than as an eternal being. You must be given the opportunity to explore the domain of mind or else you become a prisoner in your body. In the current age the most crucial aspects of life such as meaning, essence, and purpose are ignored, and this can cause psychosis. True healing will only occur when people are treated as not only bodies but first and foremost as eternal minds.