To deny your shadow is to deny yourself.
You are both light and dark.
Beginning from early childhood you’re told what to do, whether by your parents, friends, religion, or teachers. You must obey god. You must not have impure thoughts. You must be a good worker. You must not daydream. You must be pretty. You must not wear “unacceptable” clothing. You’ve been shaped into something that is not you at all, but instead a fake you, a hollow you, a masked you, created by social institutions designed to keep you fractured.
These so-called “unacceptable” aspects of who you are did not disappear but were repressed into your unconscious shadow self. If your shadow self is not explored and made conscious, it will cause immense inner turmoil in your life, and can result in depression, and cause addiction.
It is when you embrace what was once split off that you will become whole. Unity will only result through the integration and merging of your light self and your dark self.
Because of the great power of shadow, this integration must be done through reason and wisdom. The formula for unity is shadow, light, and wisdom. Don’t become the mask forced upon you by society. Smash the mask and unlock your wild power and creativity. Become the conscious creator of who you are.
Did not the stars themselves fall to earth to experience the beauty of love and lust?
Intense sexual desire can be hidden in your shadow self. Feel free to be alive! Those who teach that enlightenment involves following a strict set of repressive rules are abject liars.
We all have deep wounds within us because it’s our very nature to connect with one another, but our nature is being blocked. Sex is embedded in this existence as a means to learn important principles of life and to experience unity. It’s an extremely powerful life force and its vitalizing energy will transform your life. Replace repression with exploration. Explore yourself, explore your world, explore each other. Our shouts of ecstasy and joy will be heard throughout the cosmos.